Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Learning from the Top: Key Take-Aways from Tim Heyl’s Massive Success

We had the privilege of having Tim Heyl as a special guest speaker at our Market Center last month, which was such an amazing opportunity to learn from the best. Tim Heyl is a 28 year old agent who is in his 6th year in the business and is on track to do over 3 million in GCI this year. He started with nothing and had to borrow money from his sister to attend BOLD; however, by his third year in business, Tim became the number one agent in Austin and he continues to grow. If you weren’t able to make it to his presentation, HERE is a great interview that Gary Keller did with him at Mega Camp in 2013, which was his third year in business.  Also, I wanted to share some of the key take-aways that I received from Tim that we can all implement and utilize to take our businesses to the next level.  

  1. Hire a coach early on and remain closely engaged with a coach throughout your career- Tim hired a MAPS coach within his first year and even before he had the money to pay for a full year of coaching because he understood the value of having an excellent coach in his corner. He attributes much of his success to having great coaches along the way that he could bounce ideas off of, that kept him thinking big, and to helped him to remain accountable to his goals. 
  2. Be 100% fully committed to your lead generation. Even through the cacaos, Tim never drops the ball on lead generation because he knows it is the most important part of his business. He described that he became obsessed with getting his 5 “nurtures” a day and no matter how painful it or how much he wanted to do other things he aways got it in. If he doesn’t get his 5 nurtures that day then he doesn’t count that day as a workday and he has to make it up on a weekend.
  3. Relentless follow up is key- 60-70% of business comes from lead follow up, so from the beginning Tim understood that if you are consist with developing the contacts and leads today and you relentlessly follow up, those will pay off down the road. He is always working to build his pipeline and he is consistent about following up.
  4. Leverage as soon as you can. At the beginning of his second year in business, Tim began to build his team and hire part time help with developing systems, doing administrative work and helping with other tasks that would take him off of his lead generation. He said leveraging those tasks early on is really what allowed him to focus on the most important aspects of his business and grow his business.  He now has a seventh level business with over 20 employees on his team and he has expanded into two other markets.
  5. You can control your own schedule- Even from year one, Tim was committed to sticking to his schedule and not working nights and weekends. His lead gen and lead follow up was time blocked and always came before everything else. Clients and other agents can wait and will respect your time if you set the expectations up front.
  6. We can all have the same success in our businesses- Tim often gets the question “how have you been so successful? What is the magic formula?” His response to that question is that there isn’t a magic formula and that the only secrete to his success is the consistency and dedication he has in regard to lead generation and lead follow up. This is great news for all of us because we can all follow that model and reap the same benefits that Tim did!